The Dream
I always wanted to have an eco home. I always wanted an old cottage. Then I found one in our native Longford that was half finished as an eco home… and I said I found my dream!
So I bought it!
The Tragedy
Everything in life is not plain sailing, and a fire on the bank holiday Sunday into Monday brought my dream crashing to a halt. I had two choices – walk away and sell up, or get right back into it. So I did, and got the basics cleaned up. However getting the next stage together to reroof it has been a torturous process.
The Cottage
The cottage dates back to before 1798, and is the reputed birthplace of the local 98 leader Robin Gill. It has been extended, but is burned back to the walls. However, it is hoped in the next 12 months to have the roof back on it.
The Plan
The site here will blog on options for technology for doing up houses and making them future proof. As we will need accommodation before the house is livable, there will be a Tiny House section as well.